Drone AED Project - Phase III : Feasibility study of implement Drone AED to OHCA situation
1 Thai Resuscitation Council (TRC) 2 Department of Emergency medicine and Narenthorn EMS centre Rajavithi hospital, 3 Fling Urban Drone Solutions 4 Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi hospital. 5 Cardiology unit Vichaiyut hospital
Objective : to identify the possible drone AED landing spot using OHCA geolocation from Phase I, aimed to decrease time from collapse to AED arrival.
Methods : using the OHCA coordinate from Phase I study , calculated the nearest landing site for Drone UAV along the shore lines (following the aviation safety regulations). QGIS program and python were used to calculate the distance. The number of OHCA per each landing sites was calculated. Univariate analysis was done for Median (IQR) distance from OHCA to each landing sites.
Results : 174 OHCA coordinates were calculated and resulted in 9 possible landing sites for Drone AED. The median distance from OHCA locations to nearest Drone AED landing sites is 2,560 meters ( IQR 4,029). Shortest distance is 88 metres, the longest distance is 21,517 metres. There are 4 possible landing sites that can cover 75% of all OHCAs ( 131 of 174 cases). Drone AED can be imply into 2 possible solutions. The first solution is for short distance (<400m) in which can be running distance from Drone landing site to patient’s site. There will be 19 cases (10.91%) of cases. For intermediate distance (400m to 1,600 m), the second solution would be Drone AED with First responder on Motorcycle system pick the drone from landing site to patients site. There will be 52 cases (29.8%) within this solutions. Up to both solution system, can coverage 40.8% of cases (71 cases) in addition to current EMS services.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT to contributors :
Piyaporn THIPAYARAT MD1, Panrada WONGSIN MD2, Darapan SUWANNAPHONG2, Pornpailin JAIKONG3, Thanapong JIAMJAROENSUB4, Somcha Jia MD5 , DEPA The Digital Economy Promotion Agency, - provide funding of Drone operation in Pattaya area.
1 Bangkok Hospital Pattaya 2 Banglamung Hospital, 3 Pattaya City hospital 4 Royal Cliff Hotels group . 5 Jia Luk Sa company - Provide AED in the study.
Correspondent authors : Nalinas KHUNKHLAI MD nkhunkhlai@thaicpr.org , info@thaicpr.org